Рус Eng
DIA LAW International
Judge — is law that can speak, and law — is a dumb judge.


The profession of attorney by its existance in the society proves that the democratic foundations in the state are not only illusory. Political, economical and social spheres of life will be paralysed without this social institute. Hence, the attorney’s practice, the associations of attorneys and their activity, are inherently a part of a whole system of agencies and bodies, regulating the most important social relations. It is impossible to take no notice of it. It is unreasonable to ignore the humanistic aims of the attorney’s business. And it is also very naive to minimise it’s role, suggesting that attorneys only assist the state powers and provide legal help to everyone who needs it.

The attorney’s business has it’s own professional rules and «laws», but while working, the attorney uses the rules, imposed by the state and its laws. All the activity of the state powers is also ruled by the state laws. And every attorney knows that his main goal is to persuade the state powers not to break the laws which were addressed directly to them, not to the attorney or his client. This very work, not the legal assistance or representation, takes the bulk of the attorney’s time. The attorney’s activity is the bunch of problems, imposed to him by the state or by his conscience.

And finally, the attorney is obliged to solve all the problems only within legal frameworks. If so, the attorney may consider that he is a real professional.

The field of our firm’s practice is broad. For instance: corporate practice, venture capital, real estate practice, trade practice and so on (please check out «Services» for more details). We offer to defend your interests in Russia, as well as abroad. Our skilled lawyers deal with all kinds of commercial disputes and have a large experience of litigation in civil and arbitration courts.

We are always ready to help you with resolving your problems. Our experience, knowledge and resources, the values we share, give us all we need to fulfill our commitments to our clients. We believe that the law should serve you, and to protect you is our duty!

We hope this information and our services will be useful to you, and you will enjoy our sophisticated approach to your problems.